United Steelworkers of America~~~Local 9129
United Steelworkers of America
Welcome to
Local 9129's Homepage
Here is the
summary report of Fracflow Consultants Inc. of December 14, 1997.
The full report will follow soon!
This is the
Potash Company of Saskatchewan press release from December 23, 1997.
A rally was held
at the Potacan Potash Company
mine site on Thursday, November 13, 1997 at 1 p.m.
A Motorcade of approximately 100 vehicles left the Quality Inn at
12:00 noon and drove through the town of Sussex and then proceeded to the mine
site. Approximately 200 people attended the rally that started at
1:00 p.m.
The Speakers were:
Tom Harris ~ U.S.W.A. 9129 president.
Pastor Alan Gallant
Leroy Armstrong ~ Liberal M.L.A.
Ray Larken ~ Union Lawyer
Pat Riley ~ New Democratic Party
Lawrence McBrearty ~ National Director - United Steelworkers of America
Elizabeth Weir ~ New Brunswick New Democratic Party Leader
The U.S.W.A local 9129 would like to thank the U.S.W.A. locals from Bathurst and Beldune for
their support at the rally and also the Chemical,Energy and Paperworkers Union for their kind support.

USWA's Canadian National Office Page
USWA's Main Homepage
News Releases from the U.S.W.A.
Here is an article printed in
Kings County Record
November 11, 1997
Here are some of the things being left Underground
While the mine is flooding !

Many oils, such as 30 wt. oil, hydraulic and transmission oils.

Brand new pumps waiting to be set up....never used!

Mining equipment~ Still in working order. (Marietta Miner)
There are alternatives to
letting the mine flood and wasting the province's natural resource!!!
For the latest updates
call (506)433-6719 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (506)433-6719 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
This is a
set up by USWA local 9129
to help keep the members and the public more informed. If you have any information you
can leave a message, or just listen to the message for the latest update.
An updated list of the
Union Executive as of January 9th, 1998.
E~mail your local if you have any information or have any questions

(just click on the computers!)
Last updated on January 13, 1998 at 02:20 AM